Industry Tested
Wulf Cattle has always tried to stay on the cutting edge of research. As a leader in the industry, we feel it is a balancing act between being quick to launch and making sure what we bring to you is useful, accurate, and simple enough to understand.
Thirty years ago, Wulf Cattle were among the first in the breed to collect weaning and yearling weight information. Twenty years ago, Wulf Cattle were collecting carcass data on feedlot cattle along with yearling measurements of breeding stock on docility, scrotals and pelvics. When the North American Limousin Foundation (NALF) came out with new and important EPDs, a large part of the data collected to formulate those was collected at Wulf Cattle. In 2012, Wulf Cattle began collecting feed efficiency data on seedstock and feedlot cattle. Research projects in which we have been involved or that have influenced our business decisions are available via the links to the right. |
ResearchLimousin Leads the way in collecting Carcass Data 1.12.2021
Limousin Solve the Debate of Grade or Yield SDSU Study on tenderness and beef palatability traits of Limousin Jersey cross bred steers and Certified Angus Beef Feed Efficiency Residual Feed Intake (Net Feed Efficiency) in Beef Cattle Genomics Docility! Still #1 at Wulf Cattle |